Opening Our Hearts to Lament
Whenever a racial tragedy happens in our country or around the world for that matter, our posture of heart as a family is to first respond with lament. My family laments every time a life is lost because every person’s life has value and meaning.
One Year Later
And one year later, I find myself also holding 제사 for these women who were killed—I did not know them personally, but they were my ummas, my imos, my sisters. I want to remember them and I want them to be remembered—not for how their life on earth came to an end, but for how they lived.
Reading the Bible Beyond White Masculinity: Author Q&A with Pastor Dan Hyun
So many Christian books are written in and for White male voices. What would it look like if that was not the assumed default? In this author Q&A, we talked with Pastor Dan Hyun about his recently released book The Bible in 52 Weeks for Men: A Yearlong Bible Study Companion and how he wanted to use his Korean American perspectives and experiences to encourage us to engage the Bible and masculinity in and through our cultural backgrounds.
White Christmas & Asian Advent
Resurrection in Tragedy: The Asian American Diaspora and The Lynching Tree
Cultivating an "Even If" Faith: An Interview with Mitchel Lee
Even if God's goodness to me didn't look the way that I thought it should, I'm going to worship him because he's worthy of worship.
More than "Biblical Manhood and Womanhood"?
The Bible has always showed me that I don’t necessarily need to adhere to the patriarchal structure of society and it was the Bible that helped me understand my value as a woman.
Lost in Someone Else’s Armor
The biblical story of David and Goliath has helped me to contextualize much of my life as a Japanese American: I’ve tried to convince myself that I could make someone else’s “armor” fit.
Solidarity in Christ: Why AAPI Christians Must be Allies in the Pursuit of Justice
While Asian Americans may not fit neatly into the white-Black binary, we are not excluded from reckoning with the racial history of this country...Through remembrance, we take ownership of our history - even if none of us were there.
The State of Asian American Theology in Seminary: Thoughts from an Outgoing Graduate
Today’s seminaries face the necessary task of de-centering white theology and scholarship and moving toward a holistic multicultural Christianity.
A Letter to My Children About Racism
A Biblical Guide to the Do’s and Don’ts of Cultural Appropriation
Disrupting Shame and Moving Toward Healing
A Revolutionary Lament
When I began to fully lament the ways that my own Asian identity had been minimized... I was met with the God that cries out for injustice too.
Justice, Jesus, and Rest for the Weary
Even as we are called to fight the good fight, Christ’s constant invitation to us is to surrender, to rest, and to be still.
Not Goodbyes
I feel like my family has been in Lent for a year… but we also see the goodness of God’s leading us through the wilderness.
The Lament of Wednesday Nights
The starting point of healing is to be mindful of our wounds… and what these wounds have cost us.
Good Grief
Losing my father has taught me the value of grief and allowing people the space to fully process their emotions, just as Jesus did.
Bodies Matter
Our minds matter, so do our bodies. Offering our bodies in view of God's mercy is a step that the church cannot afford to neglect.
The Skin and Scent of the God Who Came Near
The fullness of Immanuel, God with us, encompassed a physical body and a rich cultural background. This season, let’s worship all of who Jesus was.