This Year Has Been Really Hard. But It Wasn’t a Mistake.
Our place in God’s kingdom remains secure, and the story isn’t over yet.
Advent Resources for the Tired Soul
More than ever, we need to seek the hope of Jesus’ coming this Advent. Here are some resources to guide you along the way.
2020’s Extraordinary Challenges Call for Extraordinary Giving
God’s people are always asked to give sacrificially. But, this year, the needs are far greater than usual.
The Immigrant Church Is Exactly What Our Divided Country Needs
As we come to terms with America’s sins, Christians on the margins can lead us toward healing.
The Church’s Role in Creating Systemic Racism, and How the Church Can Dismantle It
We still live with the legacy of historical, heretical beliefs. But God can make us new.
Prayers for Election Day
AACC staff members share their prayers for this consequential day. May you and your community be centered in the Father’s love and peace today and in the days to come.
Following the Call of Shalom into Politics
Asian American Christians are among the least politically engaged in the country. This needs to change.
Battling Anti-Asian Hate Is an Expression of God’s Kingdom
Asian Americans have often been marginalized in our country’s history. That doesn’t mean we can’t do something about it.
An Election 2020 Prayer Guide
As we near a critical election, now is the time for the church to act—through prayer, fasting, and repentance.
A Blessing for All
The AACC recorded ‘The Blessing’ to remind us how interconnected we are in the kingdom of God.
A Kingdom Citizen in the Home of the Brave
America’s many sins make the Fourth of July a complicated holiday. But we can find hope and freedom in our kingdom citizenship.
Truth-Telling in Corporate Lament
Most faith traditions have failed to teach us how to lament. Now is an opportunity for us to center our communal grief.
Kingdom Diversity
A poem celebrating the divinely inspired diversity among us.
A Space for Lament and Prayer
How one church community is actively fighting racism through prayer, lament, awareness, and relationship building.
Faith, Race, and COVID-19
How could the “model minority” suddenly become the target of such violence? For others, it comes as no surprise, as they have always recognized the precarious nature of our racial status.
Comfort for the Sick
This virus knows no geographical boundaries, and is no respecter of persons or identities. In the face of this pandemic, may we find shelter in the generous mercy and love of God our Savior and Deliverer.
It Is Time to Push in Prayer
Like many of you, we dropped to our knees during the darkest hours of the night and cried out to the Lord. When our hearts were finally stilled, the word we heard like a whisper was “push in prayer.”