Historical Reckoning and Asian American Political Theology
From a critical-historical point of view, then, it is not enough for the Asian American church to address the Western church’s historical lack of reckoning with its social sin of colonial complicity. To become the church as it is called to be, the Asian American church should also engage in a historical reckoning of its own complicitous legacies, such as authoritarian and neoliberal complicity. If the Asian American church honestly acknowledges that there is a historical and genealogical linkage between its original root in Asia and its present status in the US, it can begin to see more clearly what it should do to create and develop its distinctive political theology.

Book Review: The New Testament in Color
So then, can I, as an Asian American, trust Scripture? According to the wonderful contributors of The New Testament in Color, the answer to that question is “Yes!” Yet, not only I as an Asian American can trust Scripture, so too can African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, and others.
Who is the Jesus of Advent?
The God of Advent is not a God of wealth, privilege, or status. The God of Advent is lowly–identifying with a forsaken place of our world.
Inhabiting the Hole of Advent: Transfiguring Asian American Futures
What if the problem is not our perceived foreignness at all, but our perpetual propensity to play the game? Maybe the way out of this perception is not ultimate economic empowerment, but a transfigured desire that perpetuates the possibility inherent in the empty space of Advent.
Why it Matters: The Need for Asian American Theological Scholarship
In “The Need for Asian American Theological Scholarship,” Chiwon Kim highlights how the domination of white male voices has shaped what has been accepted as “conventional theology.”
Resurrection in Tragedy: The Asian American Diaspora and The Lynching Tree
Cultivating an "Even If" Faith: An Interview with Mitchel Lee
Even if God's goodness to me didn't look the way that I thought it should, I'm going to worship him because he's worthy of worship.
More than "Biblical Manhood and Womanhood"?
The Bible has always showed me that I don’t necessarily need to adhere to the patriarchal structure of society and it was the Bible that helped me understand my value as a woman.
Lost in Someone Else’s Armor
The biblical story of David and Goliath has helped me to contextualize much of my life as a Japanese American: I’ve tried to convince myself that I could make someone else’s “armor” fit.
Stagecoach of God or Searching for Power—An AAPI Christian response to Jesus and John Wayne
So much of our experience as Asian Americans is the constant struggle to honor our own culture and experiences while being good citizens without losing what makes us unique.
Solidarity in Christ: Why AAPI Christians Must be Allies in the Pursuit of Justice
While Asian Americans may not fit neatly into the white-Black binary, we are not excluded from reckoning with the racial history of this country...Through remembrance, we take ownership of our history - even if none of us were there.
The State of Asian American Theology in Seminary: Thoughts from an Outgoing Graduate
Today’s seminaries face the necessary task of de-centering white theology and scholarship and moving toward a holistic multicultural Christianity.
A Letter to My Children About Racism
Justice, Jesus, and Rest for the Weary
Even as we are called to fight the good fight, Christ’s constant invitation to us is to surrender, to rest, and to be still.
Bodies Matter
Our minds matter, so do our bodies. Offering our bodies in view of God's mercy is a step that the church cannot afford to neglect.
The Skin and Scent of the God Who Came Near
The fullness of Immanuel, God with us, encompassed a physical body and a rich cultural background. This season, let’s worship all of who Jesus was.
A Blessing for All
The AACC recorded ‘The Blessing’ to remind us how interconnected we are in the kingdom of God.
Kingdom Diversity
A poem celebrating the divinely inspired diversity among us.
Faith, Race, and COVID-19
How could the “model minority” suddenly become the target of such violence? For others, it comes as no surprise, as they have always recognized the precarious nature of our racial status.