Historical Reckoning and Asian American Political Theology
From a critical-historical point of view, then, it is not enough for the Asian American church to address the Western church’s historical lack of reckoning with its social sin of colonial complicity. To become the church as it is called to be, the Asian American church should also engage in a historical reckoning of its own complicitous legacies, such as authoritarian and neoliberal complicity. If the Asian American church honestly acknowledges that there is a historical and genealogical linkage between its original root in Asia and its present status in the US, it can begin to see more clearly what it should do to create and develop its distinctive political theology.
One Year Later
And one year later, I find myself also holding 제사 for these women who were killed—I did not know them personally, but they were my ummas, my imos, my sisters. I want to remember them and I want them to be remembered—not for how their life on earth came to an end, but for how they lived.
The Lament of Wednesday Nights
The starting point of healing is to be mindful of our wounds… and what these wounds have cost us.
Let the church declare: Asian Lives Matter
Anti-Asian attacks have been skyrocketing at an alarming rate since the start of the pandemic. Yet there has been a gaping void of evangelical voices publicly speaking up to defend their Asian American brothers and sisters.
Social Holiness in a New World
As a Biden-Harris administration begins, Asian American Christians must continue the faithful work of love and justice across all society’s spheres.
The Immigrant Church Is Exactly What Our Divided Country Needs
As we come to terms with America’s sins, Christians on the margins can lead us toward healing.
The Holy Work of Good Trouble
I was taught that getting into trouble was always a bad thing. Rep. John Lewis showed me otherwise.
A Kingdom Citizen in the Home of the Brave
America’s many sins make the Fourth of July a complicated holiday. But we can find hope and freedom in our kingdom citizenship.