Historical Reckoning and Asian American Political Theology
Faith & Theology Ilsup Ahn Faith & Theology Ilsup Ahn

Historical Reckoning and Asian American Political Theology

From a critical-historical point of view, then, it is not enough for the Asian American church to address the Western church’s historical lack of reckoning with its social sin of colonial complicity. To become the church as it is called to be, the Asian American church should also engage in a historical reckoning of its own complicitous legacies, such as authoritarian and neoliberal complicity. If the Asian American church honestly acknowledges that there is a historical and genealogical linkage between its original root in Asia and its present status in the US, it can begin to see more clearly what it should do to create and develop its distinctive political theology.

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Justice & Culture Dr. Kathy Rim and Raymond Chang Justice & Culture Dr. Kathy Rim and Raymond Chang

On the “Ching Chonging” AAPI Communities Often Endure Within Institutions of Higher Education

Americans of Asian descent deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, and Keon’s public denigration of Asian languages and cultures contributes to the pernicious pattern of anti-Asian prejudice, discrimination, racism, and violence endured in our communities for generations.

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Justice & Culture, Article Ray Chang Justice & Culture, Article Ray Chang

A Year “2” Remember: A Journey Through Asian American History of the Years that End in “2”

We must do the good work of remembering and remembering actively. When we do this, we are able to better anticipate and address the issues that impact Asian American communities across the US and to work towards a justice for all that falls in line with the heart of God for healing and wholeness driven by the church.

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